Professor Sawyer first studies the phonemenon of prophecy in a wide context, the prophetic literature represented in the Bible, and the message of the prophets, and then he surveys all the prophets from Moses to Huldah, and the prophetic books from Isaiah to Malachi. He pays especial attention to legends about the propetis, both canonical and apocryphal, many of which have been considerably more influential in the history of western civilization than the prophets' original words. A final chapter in this revised edition continues the story of biblical prophecy into the early Church, and considers Jewish, Christian, and Muslim interpretation and the matter of fulfilment of prophecy. It also contains a new section on feminist interpretation. The revised bibliography supplements the brevity of discussion of so wide a range of topics in a small volume, and there is an index of passages discussed as well as a useful general index.
Professor Sawyer has new things to say, as well as covering familiar ground authoritatively. Prophecy and the Prophets can be used as a basic text-book as well as a source of interest and suggestions for further research.