This collection will be essential reading for all those interested in the intimate relationship between elites and the remaking of present day capitalism.
Investigates how in the last thirty years elites have been forgotten in social sciences but remembered as capitalism
Brings together an interdisciplinary team of contributors including sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists,and management researchers all arguing for and demonstrating the need to resume elite studies
Tackles the paradox of memory and forgetting by explaining how neo-positivism and post-structuralist theory both marginalised elites as intellectual object while financialized capitalism created lucrative new elite positions
Evaluates the historical changes since Thatcher and Reagan and explores the changing elite cultures in the civil service
Explores the possibilities of a Bourdieusian, comparative analysis of business and finance within British and French business networks
Includes essays which balance the concern with financialization on cultural elites and consumption of elites
Considers whether there is still an `intellectual' cultural elite and contributes empirical studies of elite consumption in the UK