"Carbon-Carbon Composites" provides a review of a group of materials at the forefront of "high technology". Carbon itself is a unique material around which a whole branch of science has developed. The first chapter introduces C-C materials with respect to their relationship to other carbon materials, from whence they derive many of their properties. The major engineering properties of carbon-carbon, like any other advanced fibre-reinforced composite, are dominated by the reinforcing fibres. Chapter two consists of an introduction to carbon fibres covering their production and properties as well as the techniques used to process them into a number of intermediate products such as fabrics and preforms. Throughout the book, the theme is developed of carbon-carbon not being a single material, but rather a whole family whose properties are capable of being tailored to meet specific applications. Each of the major production methods is covered in a separate chapter highlighting not only the attractive properties of the materials, but also the problems which have resulted in carbon-carbon failing to reach its full potential.
The major property deficiency of the material is suscptibility to oxidation. The problem is so acute that it merits a complete chapter. The oxidative degradation of carbon-carbon is covered in detail along with remedies which have been and are currently being developed. One of the primary aims of the book is to aid the reader who wishes to engage in research and development of carbon-carbon materials. To this end, chapter seven consists of a detailed description of the techniques used to fabricate, test and analyze the materials on a laboratory scale. The remaining chapters complete the carbon-carbon story by covering the properties of the various forms, their uses and applications and finally a brief overview of the market and economic potential.