Accounting Information Systems, 1st Edition by Arline Savage, Danielle Brannock, and Alicja Foksinska presents a modern, professional perspective that develops the necessary skills students need to be the accountants of the future. Through high-quality assessment and integrated homework, students learn course concepts more efficiently and understand how course concepts are applied in the workplace through real-world application.
Accounting Information Systems also focuses on helping students learn how to make informed business decisions through case-based learning and data analysis applications. Students work through Julia's Cookies,a flexible, running case that helps them understand how various systems come together to support a business, and how those systems evolve. Students also develop a critical thinking mindset by working through integrated analysis questions that take a tool-agnostic approach, as well as Tableau cases so students can practice making real business decisions using leading technology.
To further help prepare students to be the accountants of the future, the authors incorporate their own industry experience and help showcase how AIS concepts are used through resources including Sample LinkedIn Job Posts and the Featured Professionals video series. These tools spotlight real accounting professionals and job opportunities, while connecting to chapter material, allowing student to see how what they're learning applies to business, as well as visualize the different paths AIS can take them.