This study guide accompanies the best-selling second edition of From Buddy to Boss: Effective Fire Service Leadership, complete with answer key and page number references. From Buddy to Boss reinforces the fact that the fire service is screaming for leaders as men and women discover that leadership is important to their existence and success.
Being a firefighter can be tiring and frustrating, but it can be rewarding. It’s not only about the job, but also about raising kids, managing your life, and trying to be a good person, attached to God, country, family, and friends.
Many leaders today are surrounded by external politics, hidden agendas, fiscal constraints, and manipulative people. Consider these factors when navigating your career.
Sargent knows from decades of experience that simply reaching the top of the organizational ladder does not make you a good leader. Before he went into teaching this subject, it became apparent very quickly that the leadership and human resources training being provided was as scarce as water in a desert and that the fire service was thirsty.