In this publication, the author has thoughtfully selected a range of important topics such as global warming, e-waste management, solid waste management, organic farming, vermicomposting, and alternatives to fossil fuels. The book has been designed to provide a wealth of informative content for the benefit of science and engineering students, as well as research scholars, who are working on these subjects. It is hoped that this book will serve as a useful reference tool and a valuable addition to their personal libraries.
All of the topics addressed in the book are subject to debate, with some individuals expressing support and others expressing opposition. The author has endeavored to analyze each topic from a scientific standpoint. Global warming, for instance, is a topic that remains controversial, with some individuals denying its existence. However, there are already visible signs of its impact, such as irregular rainfall patterns, extreme heat in some areas, and cold temperatures in others, which indicate an imbalance in nature.
The book also discusses a systematic, cost-effective, and employment-generating approach to managing solid waste in urban areas. Additionally, the book delves into vermicomposting, a technique for producing compost that is easy to implement and can be done on a small scale. The potential benefits and challenges associated with vermicomposting are discussed in detail.
Finally, the book explores the need for alternatives to petroleum-based fuels, which are essential for maintaining the progress of nations. The text presents facts and figures to support this argument, making a compelling case for the need for alternative energy sources. It is hoped that the diverse range of topics covered in this book will encourage readers to approach it from a variety of perspectives.