Tantric Buddhism is concerned with the direct experience of who we are and what we can become. Its sole aim is to help us liberate the energy we have locked away in old habits, narrow views and fears. Transforming ourselves in this way we can realise our potential for profound wisdom and unbounded compassion. For the Tantra, this experience is beyond words and thought, beyond the conscious mind and personality. But this direct experience can be evoked with the help of symbols. The whole Tantric path to enlightenment is strewn with these symbolic images, mantras and rituals. Without the help of a reliable guide the vast scope of the Tantra can seem overwhelming and inaccessible. In "Creative Symbols of Tantric Buddhism" the reader can find a thorough, informative and illustrated guide to: the symbolism of sacred colours, mantras (chanting) and the mandala of the five Buddhas; understanding the Tibetan Wheel of Life - a map of our mind and emotions; figures of the Tantric tradition - Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dakinis and the archetypal guru; the symbolism of ritual objects and offerings; and confronting and transforming our fear of death and crisis situations.
Illustrated by: Aloka