The essays are dealing with central topics concerning the Corinthian correspondence with special reference to 2 Corinthians. Some of the studies present a fresh look on the much disputed Pauline pneuma/gramma-antithesis resp. Paul’s understanding of the „old“ and „new“ covenant. Other essays examine e.g. the unity of 2 Corinthians, the structure of arguments in ch. 10–13, the background and purpose of the mission against Paul, the history and theological foundation of the collection for Jerusalem, the Wirkungsgeschichte of 2 Corinthians in the New Testament writings, or shed new light on the interpretation of relevant passages within the context of 2 Corinthians.
Contributions by: Eve-Marie Becker, David Hellholm, Christina Hoegen-Rohls, Friedrich Wilhelm Horn, Hans Klein, Andreas Lindemann, Hermann von Lips, Hermut Löhr, Eduard Lohse, Ulrich Mell, Peter Müller, Tobias Nicklas, Akira Satake, Udo Schnelle, Oda Wischmeyer, Thomas Witulski, Michael Wolter, Dieter Zeller, Oda Wischmeyer
Adapted by: Felix John