Que's Great Age Guides celebrate the vital role and lifestyle of today's young, active 50+ adults. Most well-known "middle-aged" people of sixty-five or seventy would have you believe that Great Age is so wonderful that all the years leading up to it are a waste of time! People in this great age are transforming retirement's traditional laid-back "golden years" in pure platinum. Great Ager's break retirement tradition by working well past typical retirement age, not only by need, but also by the desire to remain productive members of society.
The Great Age Guide to Online Health and Wellness is written specifically for those adults 50+ living with and using their computers and the Internet to help take better care of themselves. You'll get information on such things as living wills, the pros and cons to buying drugs outside the country, nutrition, supplements and vitamins, drug interactions, evaluating medical Web sites, finding support groups and more.