This book features most of the papers presented at the Second International Conference on Computational Ballistics 2005. The contents stress the importance and possibilities of numerical simulation on internal, external and terminal ballistics, to describe, analyse, predict and subsequently reduce the experimental requirements in ballistics. Ballistics, as a science, relates to a great variety of phenomena that occurs from the moment an object or projectile is fired until its effects are observed in a target. Ballistic studies include applications as varied as the study of the structural and control behaviour of rockets and satellites; strikes on aircraft, terrorist attacks and automobile crashworthiness modelling, to name but a few. Many of the basic problems of ballistics are similar to those in other fields of applications, such as combustion, heat conduction, in-flight structural behaviour, trajectory related issues, contact, impact, penetration, structural response to shock waves and many others.This book, which is an important addition to the literature, contains a wide variety of topics including: Terminal ballistics; Fluid-structure interaction; Perforation and penetration mechanics; High rate loads, shock and impact; Interior ballistics; Fluid flow and Aerodynamics; and Systems and Technology.