Mare Liberum is a collection of haiku and tanka by Jacob Salzer inspired by water and the sea.
"Jacob Salzer has named this collection of haiku and tanka Mare Liberum which translated from Latin means The Freedom of the Seas. His poems throughout this collection are written with strong undertones of the link between water and humans, our place within this world of water we call Earth. Salzer captures the essence of haiku and tanka, its fluidity like water itself, its lightness (karumi) and its sense of place. This is a fine collection written by a seasoned writer of short form poetry."
-Brendon Kent, Head Instructor in English Language Haiku online for Haiku University (Tokyo), Member of The British Haiku Society, Member and English Adjuster for The World Haiku Association Anthologies
"...this is a compass for the soul, leading the reader into gentle places of peaceful contemplation..."
-Michelle Hyatt, Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Yoga/Meditation Teacher