However necessary, organisational change is likely to be angst ridden and frustrating to the workforce.
The Change Cycle will help readers to more resourcefully cope with change at work by helping them understand and predict their behavior and the behavior of others.
Salerno and Brock teach readers about six predictable and sequential stages that accompany any sort of change. This model is firmly grounded in recent discoveries in social psychology and cognitive neuroscience, but is presented without arcane scientific jargon in a straightforward, conversational style peppered with humour. Each chapter focuses on one stage of The Change Cycle. Salerno and Brock describe how we think, feel and act during each stage, utilising stories of common work/life transitions and informative essays about the ways people cope best with change and how organisations have successfully dealt with the challenges accompanying the stages. They offer perspective as well as tools and success strategies needed for individuals at all levels, helping them understand what they ought to expect, from themselves and others, as they move through each stage of The Change Cycle.
This book is based on the authors' 15 years of experience consulting and training for global organisations during which they taught this successful and innovative change management program called The Change Cycle. These methods are so popular that they have been taught to over 500,000 professionals in over one hundred companies and government agencies around the world.
In order for needed organisational changes to be effective, efficient and profitable, employees must have the perspective and direction to be proactive about how they react and respond in a changing work environment. And learning to manage change is a life-skill we all need to acquire and continuously improve – whatever our position in the organisation. This book offers the compass, the map and a very compelling “how – to’s” to survive and thrive in organisational change.