The constantly evolving range of infections provide a moving target for the researcher, and the physician treating such problems must continually update him or herself on the latest developments. The looming issue of bird flu in Europe is a typical example of the infections deriving from our new age of increasing population and global travel. In this volume, an expert team from the Cleveland University Hospital and associated institutions scan the literature of the past eighteen months and review the significant papers published in the field. Among the key topics covered are viral infections, including discussion of emerging infections and HIV/AIDS; vaccines and antimicrobial agents, and the issue of antimicrobial resistance; and infection control in different patient groups, among them patients with nosocomial infection and the transplant patient. "The Year in Infection Volume 3" provides an invaluable single-volume update on the implications of the latest research and clinical observations. The book will enable the doctor rapidly to absorb new scientific and clinical developments into daily clinical care, to the benefit of individual patients.
It features: comprehensive review of key developments across the whole field, plus infection in different patient groups; and evaluation and critical appraisal of the full range of published literature in the field. Key papers for practice are identified and summarised by an expert team from a centre of excellence.