Safe Major Hepatectomy After Preoperative Liver Regeneration: Preoperative PVE, Two-Stage Hepatectomy, ALPPS and Hepatic Vein Deprivation provides both history and recent topics of major hepatectomy after liver regeneration—as well as the basic background of liver regeneration—allowing liver surgeons, general surgeons, and hepatologists to increase the safety of major hepatectomy in patients suffering from advanced liver disease. This reference provides importance guidance to cutting edge topics, including the molecular mechanism of liver regeneration after preoperative portal vein embolization (PVE), two-stage hepatectomy, associating liver partition and portal vein occlusion for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) and results of hepatic vein occlusion.
The mortality rate after major hepatectomies is high worldwide and there is a need to establish a strategy for safe major hepatectomies, and hepatectomy after preoperative liver regeneration is a key process to prevent posthepatectomy liver failure (PHLF).