Adolescents at School brings together the perspectives of scholars, educators, and researchers to address the many issues that affect adolescents' emerging identities, especially in relation to students' experience of and engagement with school. The book offers current and pre-service teachers a practical understanding of the concept of identity development, particularly as impacted by such factors as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability/disability, immigration, and social class.
This third edition includes new chapters on boys' emotional lives; risk and resilience in girls; features on 'teaching while white' the experiences of undocumented immigrant students; Muslim-American youth; income inequality; and an extensively updated chapter on LGBTQ students. The book expands on the strengths and insights of the previous editions while also touching on issues highly relevant to contemporary youth such as social media, youth activism, and immigration.
A practical and insightful volume, Adolescents at School points to ways to foster the success of every student in our schools and classrooms.