Now you can master both basic and advanced skills in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the programming language for Microsoft® Office. VBA FOR MODELERS: DEVELOPING DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS WITH MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL, 5E teaches you how to automate common spreadsheet tasks as well as create the sophisticated management science applications needed in business today.
The first half of the book introduces you to the fundamentals of VBA for Excel®. The second half of the book puts knowledge into action as it illustrates how to automate a number of management science models using VBA. You learn how to create user-friendly interfaces for inputs and results.
This new edition improves code readability, introduces PowerPivot and the new Excel Data Model and shows you how to pass information between modules and user forms while avoiding the use of global variables. VBA FOR MODELERS, 5E offers insights you need to maximize your skills in VBA.