The 1973 Boerhaave Course in Leiden on Measurement in Anaesthesia was composed of the lectures included in this book, supplemented by the series of 'lecture demonstrations' organised by Dr. P. Cliffe and given by the members of the Departments of Clinical Measurement and the Magill Department of Anaesthetics, Westminster Hospital, London. The aim of the 1973 Boerhaave Course on Measurement in Anaesthesia was designed to arouse interest in this subject where it has not already occurred. The subjects discussed in the lectures and presented in this book were those that were considered topical and appropriate. The lectures were meant to give an idea of some basic and advanced possibilities of measurement. It was not intended to be an exhaustive review of all the measurements relevant to anaesthetic practice and research. In this time of monitoring one has to keep in mind that good measurement is the basis of good monitoring. A certain amount of repetition is unavoidable as each lecture was intended to be complete in itsel. However, editing has reduced this to a minimum. Department of Anaesthesiology Johan Spierdijk University Hospital, Leiden Department of Anaesthetics Stanley Feldman Westminster Hospital, London Julian Leigh CONTENTS Preface ... V Contributors VIII PART ONE INTRODUCTION The difference between measurement and monitoring. What is worth measuring? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3 . JOH. SPIERDUK and A. NANDORFF Problems of interference and electrical safety associated with the - cording of biological signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 13 J. P. BLACKBURN 22 The scope of measurements using radioactive isotopes .