Land Contracts in Queensland provides a thorough, user-friendly account of the law relating to buying and selling freehold land in Queensland. The authors analyse the substance of the transaction through the medium of standard contracts, and draw on a comprehensive range of court decisions relating to the area. There are chapters covering the role of the real estate agent, the disclosure regime for sellers and agents, the inclusion of special conditions, and stamp duty and GST implications. A lengthy chapter on the remedies available to parties upon default is also included. Notable amongst changes in the second edition are: New provisions in Property Agents and Motor Dealers' Act 2000 relating to formation of residential contracts both by paper copies and electronic means, and the giving of comparative price data to prospective buyers New provisions in Trade Practices Act 1974 allowing apportionment and contributory claims for misleading or deceptive conduct Incorporation of revised Asbestos Regulations Amendments to Real Estate Agents Codes of Conduct Extensive exposition on significant High Court decisions on time of the essence Incorporation of recent decisions in all chapters