th This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 6 Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, ICNNSC'2002, held in Zakopane, Poland in June 11-15, 2002. The Conference was organized by the Polish Neural Network Society in co- operation with the Department of Computer Engineering at the Technical Univer- sity of Cz~stochowa. The previous conferences took place in Kule (1994), Szczyrk (1996), Kule (1997) and Zakopane (1999, 2000) and attracted a large number of papers and internationally recognized speakers like Prof. Robert Marks, Prof. Jacek Zurada, Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Prof. Shiro Usui, Prof. Daniel Amit, Prof. Wlodzislaw Duch, Prof. Erkki Oja, Prof. Syozo Yasui, Prof. Enrique Ruspini, Prof. Witold Pedrycz, Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk and Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh. It was pointed out by Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh that "Soft Computing (SC) is a coalition of methodologies which are oriented toward the conception and design of informa- tion/intelligent systems. The principal members of the coalition are: fuzzy logic (FL), neurocomputing (NC), evolutionary computing (EC), probabilistic comput- ing (PC), chaotic computing (CC), and machine learning (ML).
The constituent methodologies of SC are, for the most part, complementary and synergistic rather than competitive". This volume presents most techniques and methodologies mentioned by Prof.