A typical day for most training professionals probably feels more like emergency room triage - helping the most seriously in need first - than a orderly process of designing and developing learning interventions. ""Training Triage"" embraces this reality and offers emergency remedies for the real training challenges and situations most training professionals face every day. It is designed for seasoned trainers with some battle ""scars"" who get calls ""asking for the impossible to be delivered the next day"" without budget or staff. This book offers step-by-step solutions for some of the most commonly requested interventions including project management training, leadership training, strategic planning training, technical training, time management training, compliance training, collaboration training, and coaching training. Use this book to build your own triage solutions or as a supplement to what you have. Either way, this book is a real problem solver. The book includes a CD-ROM with all accompanying problem-solving handouts, assessments, and tools.