Volume III in the classic 'Brighter French' Series, written in the 1920s-1930s for 'Bright Young People who now know more.' Still More amusing language learning, written in 1932, described as ' - a fresh arsenal of rapid-fire French expressions and idioms' -- Example: (i) 'Have you ever noticed that people give the name "debts of honour" to all debts contracted for dishonourable reasons?' --Avez-vous remarque qu'on appelle "dettes d'honneur" toutes les dettes contractees pour les raisons deshonorantes ? - or: (ii) 'I don't mean to say that you never see any married people there, only they're not married to one another.' - "Je ne veux pas dire qu'on n'y voit pas de gens maries, mais ils ne sont pas maries ensemble". -- 'The pill of tuition conveyed in the jam of entertainment,' was how the author described these classic language books. This updated edition is illustrated with paintings of the period by Emil van Hauth. 'Les trois ouvrages ont le merite de servir egalement a l'usage des francophones et des anglophones!' - Equally suitable for French or English speakers.
Illustrated by: Emil Van Hauth