Here, you’ll find a helpful introduction to public relations basics, from writing good press releases to evaluating PR services to working with internal public relations offices. There is step-by-step guidance for using archival collections themselves as PR tools, like writing press releases, publicizing photographs and writing newsletters, as well as guidance for collaborating and connecting with educational and community groups, college students, historical organizations, donors, and media outlets. Public Relations for Marketing and Archives also includes a timely section to help you make the most of cutting-edge Web 2.0 tools like blogs, websites, and podcasts to further outreach efforts. This stellar manual features customizable templates, sample documents and programs, and screenshots to help you put your marketing plan into practice as quickly as possible. Whether you work in an academic institution, a corporate archive, a public library, or a historical organization, Public Relations for Marketing and Archives will give you the tools essential for creating a first-rate marketing campaign for your archival collections.