There are hundreds of travel guides that tell you all the good things about a place and gloss over the not so good. This guide acts as an antidote to that and tells you what you really want to know. What are the chances of leaving the place alive? Will the food kill you, or will it be the water? How friendly or violent are the locals? Most of the time you don't get to know this until you're actually there - but by then it's too late.
'101 Places Not to Visit' takes you through a selection of cities and countries that any wise traveller should give a miss. Its tongue-in-cheek, laugh-out-loud humour outlines every not-so-attractive element of each place.
A star rating of boredom, likelihood of fatal visit, friendliness of people and ease of travelling is included at the start of each entry to give the reader a taster. This is followed by an historical outline, its culture - or lack of it - and what culinary delights you can hope to endure. All the well-researched facts are sure to put off any foolish potential visitor. Well, at least they have been warned!
Arranged by continent, the chapters are in alphabetical order for easy reference and concentrate on each nation's cities. History, climate and visas are all discussed with extra box text as appropriate.