Recognizing the knowledge and skills gained in first-year Spanish, the Fuentes program builds students' language proficiency by systematically refining receptive and productive skills while encouraging students to compare, contrast, and develop an appreciation of Spanish-speaking cultures. Students gain confidence through a wealth of integrated-skills practice that not only promotes recycling of previously learned materials, but also motivates them to express, infer, and negotiate meaning in the context of real-life situations.The two volumes of this program are linked by language functions, vocabulary, and high-interest, relevant themes that serve to promote critical thinking and classroom discussion. ConversaciA3n y gramAtica focuses on the development of listening and speaking skills while building on first-year grammar concepts. Lectura y redacciA3n concentrates on the development of students' reading and writing skills through systematic practice and the presentation of a variety of cultural and literary selections. The two volumes may be used together or independently to meet course objectives.