Do you know...- the difference between a chinaman and a doosra? - where to find cow corner, the V, and the corridor of uncertainty? - what Nelson, Merlyn and Michelle have to do with cricket? - how to get a ball to reverse-swing, or how the Duckworth/Lewis method works? - the origin of yorker, googly, and third man? The Wisden Dictionary of Cricket is the definitive guide to the noble game. This fully updated third edition is not only an A-Z guide to all things cricket, it also includes illustrations showing positions and strategy, and quotations from cricket literature worldwide - from 18th century match reports right up to the Darrell Hair affair. It will appeal to anyone with an interest in the game - from the seasoned aficionado to the youngest new recruit. If you've ever wondered why a batsman can expect a jaffa on a bunsen, or how to go aerial when you're on a shirtfront...this is the book for you.