Jews and the study of antisemitism are often disregarded in multiculturalism in the United States. This “brushing aside” of the Jewish community places Jews in a very difficult situation because, due to continued discrimination and prejudice, Jews need recognition and acceptance in the multicultural community. While light-skinned American Jews are often perceived as White, they are positioned between being considered White and somehow less than when they are found to be Jewish. Therefore, Jews find themselves in this nebulous “space between” the Black/White binary.
This text takes a personal approach to the study of Jewish people, antisemitism, and the inclusion of the Jewish experience into university multicultural discourse. It also introduces a new Jewish critical race framework that develops from Critical Race Theory and has similarities in the fight against racism and injustice in U.S. society.
The Jewish Struggle in the 21st Century: Conflict, Positionality, and Multiculturalism addresses the needs of the Jewish community in the United States as it pertains to its tenuous position in the fields of multiculturalism and critical race studies. It addresses the lack of representation in the diversity and multicultural education classroom as well as issues of antisemitism at the university level.