This book discusses the contemporary techniques and the latest applications in the field of nucleation, growth, inhibition and dissolution of solids. It covers techniques, including diffraction, small angle scattering, probe microscopy, optical microscopy, crystallization techniques and both atomistic and meso-scale modelling methods; and applications, which consider inorganic materials, micro-porous and meso-porous materials, molecular crystals, biomaterials, minerals, semi-conductors and pharmaceuticals. It is a key point of reference for researchers working in related fields and offers a comprehensive guide to research and opinion in this area. Faraday Discussions document a long-established series of Faraday Discussion meetings which provide a unique international forum for the exchange of views and newly acquired results in developing areas of physical chemistry, biophysical chemistry and chemical physics. The papers presented are published in the Faraday Discussion volume together with a record of the discussion contributions made at the meeting. Faraday Discussions therefore provide an important record of current international knowledge and views in the field concerned.