"Fundamentals of Geology" divided into three parts, discusses the basic elements of geology based on modern thoughts and information adopting the most desirable order and methods of presentation. 'Part One' provides descriptions of the physical Earth including its primary constituents: minerals and rocks. 'Part Two' deals with two different aspects of the dynamic Earth: study of the past worlds based mainly on rock records; and, the dynamic system that brings about changes in the Earth evolving distinctive large- and small-scale features. 'Part Three' includes discussions on Earth resources which sustain human civilization, and the facts about the geological hazards that the humans negotiate for their sheer existence. Book is designed to suit the curriculum of undergraduate students. But information in some sections of the book would be useful even for the post-graduate students. Besides, those in need of basic knowledge in geology for supplementing studies and research in subjects like geophysics, engineering geology, mining, mineral exploration, petroleum geology, environmental geology, civil engineering, etc would also find the book useful.