Hymns are lasting expressions of faith and worship. Hymns in German piety were written to serve as meditations and to teach individuals how to become better followers of Jesus. This volume examines the thinking and influences which shaped the hymns which the Brethren chose to write and sing, revealing a great deal to the modern reader about their journey of faith and the spiritual progress of the movement from its beginnings to the present day. Specific attention is given to examples of hymn texts which highlight the distinctive themes and characteristics of Brethren spirituality in the various eras of Brethren life and thought. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Peter Roussakis has a long and distinguished career which included his being Senior Pastor of First Brethren Church, Burlington, Indiana, and the Charles Wesley Professor of Sacred Music, Emeritus, Graduate Theological Foundation, Mishawaka, Indiana. He was lecturer on Brethren Hymnody for the Fifth Brethren World Assembly, July 2013. For the 300th Anniversary Conference of the Brethren in Richmond, Virginia, July 2008, he served on the Joint Worship Committee, and as Conference Choir Director and Hymnology Lecturer. For many years Dr. Roussakis was Pianist and Song Leader for District and General Conferences of The Brethren Church. In his academic career he holds degrees from Southern Connecticut State University, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Boston University School of Theology, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Foundation. Additional study was taken at the Royal School of Church Music, Ohio University, Ashland Theological Seminary and Harvard University.