Personality, Religion, and Leadership studies Jungian psychological type theory and the dynamic power of Jungian archetypes to help religious leaders understand and deal with their personal spiritual journey in times of stress and success, and enables them to build religious community from the diversity personality types in their care. This book argues that psychologically mature individuals draw on the full range of the eight function-orientations described by psychological type theory as: introverted sensing, extraverted sensing, introverted intuition, extraverted intuition, introverted feeling, extraverted feeling, introverted thinking, and extraverted thinking.
The role played by these function-orientations varies within each of 16 psychological types: within different psychological types each function-orinetation emerges from the unconscious into the conscious mind at different points in the life-cycle. The balance between the function-orientations gives individuals their distinctive psychological strengths, and alerts them to their psychological weaknesses.