This collection of enlightening and stimulating articles, written by some of the most important figures in school librarianship, demonstrates how teacher-librarians, classroom teachers, and administrators can work together to create a 21st century school library media program. With topics that emphasize student success, leadership, partnerships, curriculum design, collaborative planning and teaching, literacy, 21st century skills, emerging technologies, and so much more, this compendium brings together the best of the best discussions. The practicing teacher-librarian, as well as the student seeking to expand his or her knowledge of the field, will find this compilation especially beneficial in providing an overview of the most critical issues related to the role the teacher-librarian plays in their school. The articles, previously published in the peer-reviewed Teacher Librarian: The Journal for School Library Professionals with several included from the magazine VOYA: Voice of Youth Advocates, reveal how school libraries and teacher-librarians are moving forward to meet the challenges of this new century.
Contributions by: Doug Achterman, Marlene Asselin, Steven M. Baule, Kay Bishop, Barbara Braxton, Carol A. Brown, Gail Bush, Michael Cart, Audrey P. Church, Gail Dickinson, Ray Doiron, Jean Donham, Lynn Evarts, Dawn Cartwright Fiorelli, Diane Gallagher-Hayashi, Caroline Geck, Reid Goldsborough, Valerie Grenawalt, Violet H. Harada, Gary Hartzell, Allison Haupt, Ken Haycock, James E. Herring, Janet Hopkins, Sandra Hughes-Hassel, Carol-Anne Hutchinson, Doug Johnson, Larry Johnson, Patrick Jones, Carol Koechlin, Merrilee AndersenKwielford, Annette Lamb, Linda Langford, Mary Jo Langhorne, David Loertscher, Teri Lesesne, Marla W. McGhee, Keith McPherson, Patricia Montiel-Overall, Karen N. Muronaga, Joyce Needham, Dianne Oberg, Michael K. O'Sullivan, Les Parsons, Jennifer Robins, Thomas J. Scott, Joan Shaw, Leslie Travis, Joyce Kasman Valenza, Lisa Wilson, Sandi Zwaan