The U.S. population is aging and most professionals will encounter more and more clients who are seniors. This book provides practical insights and strategies to help lawyers, business, and financial professionals address aging biases and successfully accommodate the needs of this growing clientele. Working with Aging Clients places a special focus on financial elder abuse as well as the capacity of financial decision making for seniors. The author provides shrewd techniques to guide professionals in identifying, preventing or simply stopping financial elder abuse. This book is an essential aging and financial resource, providing: * A look at aging clients from their point of view. * Insights from a seasoned geriatric nurse's perspective that has expertly cared for seniors augmented by a litigator's experience in representing elder clients and their best interests. * Principles with illustrations from actual cases, particularly diminished capacity. * Heightened consciousness surrounding age-related biases, myths, and stereotypes. * Proven strategies to resolve conflicts and valuable tips for successful elder-related mediation.
* An easy roadmap for both legal and non-legal professionals who share an interest in better serving their aging clientele.