As the U.S. and the European Union dealt with the fallout of the 2008 financial crisis, China moved quickly and created the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 to develop ports, rails, roads and more, in nations around the world. China now has contracts in roughly 140 nations, providing loans and workers to fulfill these projects, all with hidden agendas. The intent is to economically dominate the world in short time, assuring China’s goal of becoming the most powerful nation in the world. There is also a growing mistrust of the BRI in recipient countries between the elites and the population at large Europe is hoping to evolve a Global Gateway (GG) and President Biden is calling for a Build Back Better World (B3BW) to attract a global network for developing nations with needed funds. Also outlined is a new EU-U.S. sponsored Marshall Plan (NEMP), borrowing the best concepts from the original 1948 Marshall Plan, to assist in combating the statecraft of China.