The Hail Mary is without a doubt the most often recited prayer to Mary. This lovely little book takes readers of all ages phrase by phrase through this much loved prayer, while offering prayerful commentary on the actual words.
"Full of Grace
The second word of the angel contains the secret of joy:
Mary, God has fallen in love with you.
You stole his heart
and he filled you with light.
You now have a new name: 'Beloved forever.'"
In addition to the devotional reflections, the author provides a short history of the Hail Mary. The first part, drawn directly from the Gospel of Luke, offers a short, but compelling summary of the Mary's entire story, while the second part was formed slowly over many centuries. It took its current form as late as AD 1500.
This prayer can be said, then, to be born of God and of man, and has come down from heaven and risen up from the earth. Imaginative, colorful art enhances the beauty of this sacred story, which is the story of Mary and our own as well. Ages 8 and up.