This third edition assesses the overhaul of the federal and State Freedom of Information legislation in 2009-10, the potential impact of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 (Cth) and the implications of the resignation of the Commonwealth Ombudsman in 2011.
It also reviews a string of possibly far-reaching High Court rulings, notably Plaintiff M70/2011(the `Malaysian This is the 4th edition of the seminal textbook on the practical application of Australian discrimination law. Its concise account brings clarity with depth and is suitable for all involved in this branch of the law - lawyers, business people, human resources and industrial relations staff, advocates and students.
Discrimination Law and Practice has been completely updated and examines important recent cases in key areas of discrimination law and particularly in all aspects of employment and harassment, the provision of goods and services and education.
Specific attention is given to the impact on discrimination law on the Fair Work Act and additional remedies for discrimination including adverse action claims. Further, this edition assists the reader in deciding the best form of action to take and in which jurisdiction.
This edition sets out the procedures for lodging discrimination complaints, attending conciliation conferences and the court processes. It examines possible remedies ordered by the courts where discrimination is established. It provides invaluable insight into relevant court procedure and particular the new Federal Court Rules.