This is a diverse world. Whoever you are and whatever you do you will encounter people who are different from you. Your business will have to sell and buy from people who are different. This is not just a fact of life but an opportunity for smart business and a competitive advantage. Your employees are probably different too. Not all the fish in the talent pool are white, male and straight. If your staff all look and sound the same you're missing out on an ocean of talent. Treating people equally is no longer political correctness it is a business imperative. But with opportunity comes challenge. Treating people equally doesn't mean treating them the same. You must incorporate all of this difference into something that works. To make the most of your staff's talents you must manage their diversity. The successful business of the future will be Diversity Incorporated. ‘While the main driver is the globalization of many businesses, the fundamental stimulus comes from increasingly diverse workforces and markets, the expansion of cross-level, crossfunctional and transnational teams, and the need to meet changing societal values and expectations.’ - The Ashridge Journal 2000 Many leaders agree that an inclusive approach maximizes a firm’s ability to increase its effectiveness and consequently its competitive advantage. This book guides you on how to drive your business by maximizing the use and the talent of all your employees.