Research in Parapsychology 1984
This volume includes 61 contributions, covering free-response Ganzfeld studies, novel approaches to PK, tests of models and theories, brain physiology and psi, enhancing and suppressing psi functioning, theoretical and philosophical issues, computer- oriented psi tests, psychological factors in psi research, criticisms and reevaluations, resistance to psi among parapsychologists, PK parties, meta-analysis, applied psi, and paranormal education. Of special note are the invited addresses, 'Parapsychology's `Four Cultures': Can the Schism be Mended?' by Steven M. Rosen, and 'What is Problematic in Parapsychology for Traditional Christianity?' by Mark D. Jordan, and Rhea A. White's Presidential Address, 'The Spontaneous, the Imaginal and Psi: Foundations for a Depth Parapsychology.'