Where are parents' skills the strongest—and how can they be encouraged to better support young children's cognitive, social, and language development? Home visitors can find out in minutes with PICCOLO™, the quick, reliable observational tool designed to assess and monitor the quality of parent–child interactions. Developed for use with parents of children ages 1 to 3, PICCOLO™ measures 29 developmentally supportive parenting behaviours in 4 critical domains—Affection, Responsiveness, Encouragement, and Teaching. It's the best way to assess which parenting behaviours are working, develop individualised interventions that help parents improve, and track the positive outcomes of your parent support programme.
Research-based—assesses parenting behaviours with direct, proven links to positive child outcomes
Quick, clear, and easy to use—takes just 10 minutes for parent–child observation
Highly reliable—based on 4,500 video observations of 2,000 diverse families
Training DVD includes 16 invaluable DVD clips of parent–child interactions to help you practice observing and scoring
Culturally sensitive and relevant
Ready to use anytime: at program entry, throughout the year, and at program exit
Helps you provide positive feedback to parents and plan intervention
Great way to monitor parent/child outcomes and program effectiveness
Spanish translation included
This package consists of 25 4-page forms.