"Skyline" is a five-level programme for any young adult learner. It takes learners from beginner to upper intermediate levels, leaving them ready to embark on a TOEFL preparation course. Skyline's range of flexible, easy-to-use materials makes it simple for teachers to create a course for any teaching situation. The programme includes: student's books; workbooks; interleaved teacher's guides; test disks; resource packs; student's book cassettes/audio CDs; song cassettes/audio CDs; videos; video activity books; and a website. The workbooks provide students with additional controlled language practice for classroom or home study use, offering both grammar reference material and additional skills development practice.
Key features are: language summaries - providing learners with a clear view of forms and meanings; language work - giving learners controlled language practice; word work - encouraging vocabulary review; skills work - promoting learners' reading and writing skills; language notes - focusing on common errors to remind students of correct language usage; reference section - containing a section on learner training and on spelling; and pronunciation work - enabling learners to consolidate class activities.