Losing your job is one of the hardest challenges most people will face, even if they are volunteers. It can be a shock, a challenge to everything you have taken for granted and can cause upheaval in every aspect of your life. Yet it is possible to move on successfully and this book is about how to make the transition as short and easy as possible whatever your age or experience. It answers questions such as:
- How do I keep my dignity and self-esteem through the process of being given the news?How do I get the best possible deal and exit with aplomb?
- How much will it matter to a new employer that I have been made redundant?
- What is the best way of seizing the opportunity to redesign my life and career?
- What about money worries while I'm looking for a new job?
- How much do social media matter in job-searching? Which job-search techniques really work and which are a waste of time?
- What about freelance and interim work?
WITH A FOREWORD BY CARY L. COOPER"Roger's Facing Redundancy brings a deep level of honesty, insight, and most importantly practical support, for career transition in the 21st century."
Katherine Tulpa, CEO, Association for Coaching
"This is a stunning book: easy to read, very informative, packed full of common-sense good advice derived from years of experience. The case studies are short and interesting. It's not an exaggeration to say I couldn't put it down. Highly recommended."
Carolyn Gray, Group Director, HR, Pensions & Sustainability, Guardian Media Group