For those of you who grew-up in the Sixties, this humorous and lighthearted, true story will surely awaken an abundance of memories reflecting that magical time.
It is set in the suburbs of South London (or, North Kent, as some Sixties' die-hards still call it) and recalls the author's own journey of adolescence, as he and his school mates spend the next five years pursuing the teenage dream of girls, cars and becoming a famous `pop' star.
However, although some ardent fans will quickly identify at least one of the author's school mates who went on to enjoy mega stardom, this story takes place before he or, any of them become famous.
Instead, it looks back at how the author stumbles from one teenage infatuation to another until, eventually, he finds his first `true' love... And they live happily ever after!
Well, for a while at least, until "trouble" rears its ugly head and threatens to bring an end to his otherwise, carefree teenage life.