You can work through each chapter sequentially to make sure you thoroughly understand all the concepts and methodologies, or you can focus on specific lessons to learn the techniques that interest you most.
WEEK 1: The Java Language
DAY 1 Getting Started with Java
DAY 2 The ABCs of Programming
DAY 3 Working with Objects
DAY 4 Lists, Logic, and Loops
DAY 5 Creating Classesand Methods
DAY 6 Packages, Interfaces, and Other Class Features
DAY 7 Exceptions and Threads
WEEK 2: The Java Class Library
DAY 8 Data Structures
DAY 9 Working with Swing
DAY 10 Building a Swing Interface
DAY 11 Arranging Components on a User Interface
DAY 12 Responding to User Input
DAY 13 Creating Java2D Graphics
DAY 14 Developing Swing Applications
WEEK 3: Java Programming
DAY 15 Working with Input and Output
DAY 16 Using Inner Classes and Closures
DAY 17 Communicating Across the Internet
DAY 18 Accessing Databases with JDBC 4.2 and Derby
DAY 19 Reading and Writing RSS Feeds
DAY 20 XML Web Services
DAY 21 Writing Android Apps for Java
APPENDIX A Using the NetBeans IDE
APPENDIX B This Book’s Website
APPENDIX C Fixing a Problem with the Android Studio Emulator
APPENDIX D Using the Java Development Kit
APPENDIX E Programming with the Java Development Kit