Get what it takes to develop great groups An outstanding guide for those working to help groups reach their full potential. Writing for consultants, peer facilitators and managers alike, the author offers a comprehensive reference that pinpoints the skills needed to produce highly creative groups.
This guidebook will show you how to:
- Be a facilitative leader
- Improve the overall effectiveness of an organization
- Increase employee commitment
- Sharpen cooperative and problem-solving skills
- Improve company flexibility
- Intervene effectively with groups ... and more!
Easy to follow and chock full of practical advice, this work can enable anyone to handle groups effectively.
Take a Skilled Facilitator Intensive Workshop! These 5 day events, sponsored by The Center for the Study of Work Teams and presented by Roger Schwarz & Associates, feature Roger Schwarz. Workshops are offered three times a year. For information contact the Center for the Study of Work Teams at (940) 565-3096 or visit their web site at