France and Indochina - Cultural Representations
At the intersection of literary, cultural, and postcolonial studies, this volume looks at French perceptions of 'Indochina' as they are conveyed through a variety of media including cinema, literature, art, and historical or anthropological writings. The volume is long awaited, as France's memory of 'Indochina' is understudied compared to its relationship with its former colonies in West and North Africa. The book has contemporary urgency as the makeup of France's immigrant population changes and grows to include Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotioan populations.
Contributions by: Lily Chiu, Nicola Cooper, David Del Testa, Tess Do, Penny Edwards, Marie-Paule Ha, Judith Henchy, Eric T. Jennings, Christopher L. Robinson, Carrie Tarr, Michael G. Vann, Julia Waters, Jane Bradley Winston, Jack Yeager