Never before is having a Job so precarious. There is no such thing as a job for life anymore. People are getting outsourced, paid less, told to work longer hours and are being replaced with Robots and imminently Artificial Intelligence. This book is for people that really want to start doing what they LOVE to do instead of doing what they have to do to pay the bills. This Book teaches you how to create enough Passive Income from Four Award Winning Property Investment Tools that create enough Positive Cash-flow to replace your Living Expenses. Meaning you never have to rely on a Salary ever again. And most importantly...YOU NEVER HAVE TO WORK AGAIN! Never before has a body of work been so relevant and timely in a world full of debt and servitude. Even in the last 12 months, although it sounds staggering to believe, Marco has purchased 107 Buy to Let properties, using other people's money & created millions of dollars in profits...more importantly he has helped thousands of his students do the same. Marco will share with you, even with New Tax Laws, the Buy to Let Property World is Booming! To find out more about the Author and read countless Testimonials go to his website www.marcorobinson.