A brand new approach to Foundation Mathematics, this book is specifically designed for the M2–M6 pathway of the CCEA GCSE Mathematics specification, including the material from M1/M5 at a level appropriate for an M2/M6 student. It has been designed to be straightforward for students to follow, by not requiring annotation to indicate the relevance of each section of material.
Based on teacher feedback, it contains a large number of questions so it can be tailored to need. Every four chapters there is a Progress Review exercise for students to check their learning. Answers to all exercises are available online at the following link: http://www.colourpointeducational.com/media/content/AnswersM2M6Colourpoint.pdf
1: Working With Integers; 2: Working With Decimals; 3: Rounding; 4: Working With Fractions; 5: Percentages And Proportional Change; 6: Finance; 7: Expanding Brackets;
8: Factorisation; 9: Simple Function Machines; 10: Linear Equations In One Unknown; 11: Coordinate Geometry; 12: Real-Life Linear Graphs; 13: Compound Measure; 14: Perimeter And Area; 15: Volumes Of Right Prisms; 16: Pythagoras’ Theorem; 17: Venn Diagrams; 18: Statistical Averages And Spread; 19: Statistical Diagrams; 20: Scatter Graphs;
21: Number Systems; 22: Indices; 23: Trial And Improvement; 24: Inequalities; 25: Formulae; 26: Sequences; 27: Graphical Solution Of Simultaneous Equations; 28: Quadratic Graphs; 29: Bearings; 30: Polygons; 31: Symmetry And Transformations; 32: Construction And Loci; 33: Probability