Continuing Dynamite Entertainment's collections of the very best of
Vampirella, Volume 4 brings you classic tales spotlighting epic
storylines and epic creators from the acclaimed limited series, Vampirella:
Blood Lust, by James Robinson and Joe Jusko, who craft a memorable tale of
Vampirella’s homeworld, Drakulon. Plus classic gems like “Two So
Different” by James Robinson and Ray Lago, "Vampirella Vs Dracula" by
James Robinson, David Mack, and Rick Mays, “Sanctuary” by
Christopher Priest and Alan Davis, “Lust For Life” by Ty Templeton
and Bruce Timm, “The New European” by Alan Moore and Gary Frank,
“Looking For Mr. Goodwin” by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, all joined by
Kurt Busiek and Arthur Adams in a rare tale from the vault of Vampirella called
Visual artist(s): Joe Jusko, Ray Lago, Alan Davis, Gary Frank, Bruce Timm, Tim Sale, Art Adams