Modeling of seismic wave propagation is a core component in almost every aspect of exploration seismology, ranging from survey design methods to imaging and inversion algorithms. Since SEG published a reprint volume on numerical modeling in 1990, the following two decades showed a step change in the application and use of "full wave equation" modeling methods enabled by the tremendous increase in available computational power. Full waveform inversion, reverse time migration, and 3D elastic finite-difference synthetic data generation are examples of modeling applications that are currently having a fundamental impact on our business. In Numerical Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation: Gridded Two-way Wave-equation Methods, readers will find many of the well-known and referenced papers from the exploration seismic community as well as some of the key papers that have impacted other fields of seismology. Because the modeling literature is vast, we have limited the scope of the reprint volume to papers over the last two decades on modeling methods based on the full wave equation. The reprint volume will be of particular interest to researchers and practitioners interested in modeling methods and their applications. The searchable CD includes the 114-page book of abstracts and the full papers.