Biology: International Edition, 7/e
Neil Campbell and Jane Reece's Biology remains unsurpassed as the most successful majors biology textbook in the world. The authors have restructured each chapter around a conceptual framework of five or six big ideas. The text also contains a wealth of pedagogical features such as Chapter Overviews, Concept Check questions, New Inquiry Figures and each chapter ends with a Scientific Inquiry Question that asks students to apply scientific investigation skills to the content of the chapter.
Practical Skills in Biomolecular Sciences, 3/e
Practical Skills in Biomolecular Science, is an indispensable book for undergraduate students in the life sciences. The book provides useful support at all stages of a degree course and underpins any practical course in biochemistry, biomedical science, genetics, immunology and microbiology. Now in its third edition, it continues to provide students with easy-to-use guidance for laboratory and field studies, but in addition it now covers broader transferable skills.
An Introduction to Chemistry for Biology Students, 9/e
Introduction to Chemistry for Biology Students, Ninth Edition is a unique workbook that uses a step-by-step approach to teach students the chemistry necessary for success in life sciences courses. Todays biology courses place an increasing emphasis on the chemical processes that underlie critical biological functions. This text helps students review and master all the basic facts, concepts, and terminology of chemistry that they need to understand those processes and to excel in their life science courses.