As the world becomes more complex, the tasks people are asked to do become more and more unbounded and increasingly ambiguous, the need to grow the capacity of people and thus the organizations in which they work becomes more vital. Thriving in a Complex World looks at adult development within an organization setting.
This book will take cutting-edge theories of adult development and bring them, in an accessible way, to those who work closely with adults, such as HR professionals, consultants, trainers, managers. Using clear language designed for practitioners rather than academics, the text provides a rich store of case material and hands-on applications, to help shape more supportive, growthful working environments. It is vital for those who work with adults to understand the particular ways adults may make sense of the world.
With practical case studies and strategies which emerge from the theory, readers can learn to develop new, developmentally-appropriate strategies of their own.
* Part of the cutting edge New Frontiers in Learning Series
* Takes cutting-edge theories of adult development and offers examples of how they can be applied in practice.
* Provides practitioners with the knowledge to develop their own strategies to apply within an organization.